5 Dos and Don’ts of Healthy Weight Loss

If getting rid of those few extra pounds was easy then nobody would be overweight. Your body is different from the next individual and this also applies to your body weight. With losing weight, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ philosophy with regards to the right diet and working out.

Losing those extra pounds is stressful, but your journey towards good health has to be easy and not one filled with discomfort. With so many fad diets and advice from a thousand individuals, it is a bit difficult to know what can help you lose those extra pounds. There still some tried-and-tested methods that can help you on this journey.

5 Dos and Dont’s of Losing Weight – The Healthy Way

With so many methods for weight loss, it is hard to find the best one to lose those extra pounds. Whether you want to lose weight to get back in shape or prevent a major health issue, there are safe ways to help you get rid of that unnecessary fat.

Let us check out the five dos and donts of losing weight safely and healthily.

Read More – Fat Burning Yoga Poses – The Secret to a Healthy Weight Loss

Eat Healthy Meals Consistently

Do you feel lethargic after consuming a heavy and oily meal? Large portions of unhealthy food make you lethargic and sluggish. Choosing small meals in a day keeps your metabolism functioning.

For example, including four to six small meals keeps your blood sugar level in check and prevent feeling hungry during the day.

Follow an Exercise Schedule

Although eating and drinking healthy is vital to losing extra weight, but practicing fat burning yoga poses improves your chances of a healthy weight loss. You need not start with hardcore workouts but a light workout would help.

If you are an adult then 150 minutes of aerobic workout every week will help you shed that extra weight. You can also include strength training twice a week, which will keep your body healthy and work on all major muscle groups.

Read More – Squeeze Your Stress Out With Spiritual Healing Retreat

Have a Proper Meal Plan

Without adequate meal planning, the likelihood of you choosing an unhealthy snack increases. It interrupts your journey towards healthy weight loss. A proper meal plan helps you fight the temptation of choosing less-healthy snacks.

Create a proper meal plan for every week to ensure your body consumes only healthy and clean food as part of your weight loss journey. In the long run, this simple habit will improve your diet and help with getting rid of unnecessary stomach fat.

Do Not Starve Yourself

If you are constantly starving, your body goes into survival mode. It means when your body realizes it would not get any energy from your regular diet then it holds onto the extra sugar and fat.

Unfortunately, extra sugar and fat are exactly what you have to lose to shed those few extra pounds. Moreover, slow metabolism causes your body to digest the calories in a harmful way. Practicing yoga for weight loss goes a long way in helping you stay healthy and slim.

Read More – How Yoga Helps You Lose Fat – Know Here

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol does not have any nutritional value. It inhibits your body’s ability to absorb nutrition from your food. Alcohol consumption also slows down your body’s metabolism rate and restricts its ability to create glucose which makes it harder to maintain a good blood sugar level.


Yoga does a lot when it comes to helping your lose extra weight without too much hassle. You should practice fat burning yoga poses to get rid of the excess fat. However, make sure that you also follow the dos and don’ts mentioned above to reap the full benefits of your yoga practice.